Exploring Various Types of Math Tricks

Exploring Various Types of Math Tricks


Mathematics often appears as a daunting subject to many. However, beyond the complex equations and intricate problems, there are various mathematical tricks and techniques that can simplify calculations and make math more approachable. In this comprehensive blog, we will explore different types of math tricks that can help you become a more proficient mathematician and enhance your problem-solving skills.

1. Mental Math Tricks

Mental math is the art of performing calculations in your head, without the need for a calculator or paper and pencil. It’s a valuable skill that can save time and improve your overall mathematical aptitude. Here are some mental math tricks to consider:

a. Multiplying by 11: To multiply a two-digit number by 11, split the digits and insert their sum in between. For example, 34 x 11 is calculated as 3 (3+4) 4, which equals 374.

b. Squaring Numbers Ending in 5: To square a number ending in 5, take the first digit, multiply it by itself plus 1, and add 25 to the end. For example, 25^2 is calculated as (2 * 3) 25, which equals 625.

c. Finding Percentages: To find 10% of a number, simply move the decimal point one place to the left. For 20%, double the result, and for 5%, halve it.

2. Vedic Mathematics Tricks

Vedic mathematics is an ancient Indian system of mathematics that offers alternative and often more efficient ways of solving mathematical problems. Some key Vedic math tricks include:

a. Vertically and Crosswise Multiplication: This method simplifies multiplication by breaking down the process into smaller, more manageable steps.

b. Nikhilam Navatashcaramam Dashatah: A formula for finding complementary numbers for a given base. It’s particularly useful in mental arithmetic.

c. All from 9 and the Last from 10: This trick simplifies subtraction by converting difficult subtractions into simpler additions.

3. Speedy Addition and Subtraction

Quick addition and subtraction can make daily calculations much more efficient. Here are some tricks for faster calculations:

a. Left-to-Right Addition: Start adding from the left rather than the right to simplify mental addition. For example, to add 37 + 68, add 30 to 60 first, resulting in 90, and then add 7 to 8, resulting in 15, to get the answer 105.

b. Subtraction by Adding: Instead of subtracting, you can add the complement of the number. For instance, to subtract 37 from 90, add 63 to 90, which gives you 153. Then, deduct the excess (37) to get the answer 53.

4. Multiplication Magic

Multiplication is a fundamental mathematical operation, and mastering some multiplication tricks can simplify your calculations:

a. Multiplying by 9: To multiply a number by 9, multiply it by 10 and then subtract the original number. For example, to find 7 x 9, calculate (7 x 10) – 7, resulting in 63.

b. Multiplying Two-Digit Numbers: Use the distributive property to multiply two-digit numbers. For example, to multiply 14 by 12, break it down into (10 + 4) x (10 + 2). Multiply the components separately and add the results: 10 x 10 = 100, 10 x 4 = 40, 4 x 10 = 40, 4 x 2 = 8. Finally, add the products: 100 + 40 + 40 + 8 = 188.

5. Square Roots Simplified

Calculating square roots can be time-consuming, but there are methods to simplify the process:

a. Prime Factorization: Divide the number into its prime factors, and then take the square root of each factor. Multiply the square roots to find the square root of the original number.

b. Estimation Method: To quickly estimate a square root, find the nearest square number (a perfect square) and then adjust your estimate accordingly.

6. Calculus Shortcuts

Calculus, a branch of mathematics that often involves complex integrals and derivatives, can be simplified with some handy tricks:

a. Integration by Parts: To perform integration by parts, use the formula ∫u dv = uv – ∫v du, where u and v are carefully selected functions.

b. Shortcut for Differentiation: To find the derivative of a function of x raised to a power, apply the power rule, which states that d/dx [x^n] = nx^(n-1).

7. Trigonometric Identities

Trigonometry is notorious for its numerous identities and functions. To simplify trigonometric calculations, use identities such as:

a. Sine and Cosine Identities: The Pythagorean identity (sin²θ + cos²θ = 1) and the cofunction identity (sin(90° – θ) = cosθ) are fundamental in trigonometry.

b. Double-Angle and Half-Angle Identities: These identities simplify trigonometric expressions involving double angles or half angles.

8. Probability and Combinatorics Tricks

Probability and combinatorics deal with counting and probability theory. Some tricks include:

a. Combinations and Permutations: To calculate combinations (choosing without regard to order) and permutations (choosing with regard to order), use formulae and combinations to simplify the process.

b. Bayes’ Theorem: Bayes’ theorem is a fundamental concept in probability theory that helps calculate conditional probabilities.

9. Geometry Hacks

Geometry involves various rules, theorems, and proofs. Here are some tricks to simplify geometric problems:

a. Pythagorean Theorem: The Pythagorean theorem (a² + b² = c²) helps find the length of one side of a right triangle when you know the lengths of the other two sides.

b. Area and Perimeter Formulas: Remember the formulas for calculating the area and perimeter of common geometric shapes, such as triangles, rectangles, and circles.

10. Binary and Hexadecimal Conversion

For computer science and digital electronics, understanding binary and hexadecimal conversion can be helpful:

a. Binary to Decimal: To convert a binary number to decimal, multiply each digit by 2 raised to the corresponding position and add the results.

b. Hexadecimal to Decimal: Convert hexadecimal numbers to decimal by multiplying each digit by 16 raised to the corresponding position and adding the results.

Final Thoughts

Math tricks not only make math more accessible but also help in fostering a deeper appreciation for the elegance and efficiency of mathematical concepts. They demonstrate that mathematics is not just a set of complicated rules and formulas but a versatile toolkit that can be used in everyday life to simplify calculations, solve problems, and make informed decisions. As you explore these tricks and continue your mathematical journey, you’ll discover that math can be both fun and empowering. Whether you’re using these tricks for school, work, or personal enrichment, mathematics becomes an enjoyable adventure with countless surprises waiting to be unveiled.


Mathematics is a powerful tool with a myriad of applications, and while it can be challenging, it doesn’t have to be intimidating. The various math tricks and shortcuts discussed in this blog offer a glimpse into the world of mathematical simplification. Whether you’re a student looking to excel in math class, a professional in need of quick calculations, or simply someone interested in mastering the art of numbers, these tricks can prove invaluable in your mathematical journey. Remember, the key to math mastery is practice, so embrace these tricks and watch your mathematical skills improve with each application.

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